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ECOTIC and RECILEC promote the training of installers on recycling with Epyme

We had the pleasure of participating with Epyme and RECILEC in a training day in Seville on the proper management of WEEE.

Yesterday we had the pleasure of participating with


in a training day organized by


, Provincial Association of Installation Companies of Seville, on the proper management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in installation companies.

Our colleagues Àngels Pou, Member Companies Technician, and Anna Sillero, Waste Technician, were the ones in charge of participating in representation of


They were in charge of explaining to the installers the responsibilities they have in their consideration as waste producers as established in the current regulations.

To this end, the correct management of WEEE waste as provided for in Royal Decree 110/2015, as well as that of fluorinated gases present in refrigeration and air conditioning equipment as established in Royal Decree 115/2017, was addressed during the day.

Aspects related to documentation procedures and the obligations established by Royal Decree 553/2020 on waste transfers within the State, and the implications for installers of the new Law on Waste and Contaminated Soil for a Circular Economy were also discussed.

The last block was aimed at developing the role of installation companies in the circular economy and environmental protection, and the solutions available to them for the proper management of waste at the end of the life cycle of appliances.

In this regard, the program was presented Ecoinstallersa comprehensive solution that we promote from ECOTIC to facilitate this management, and which provides installers with benefits such as free advice on how to comply with their obligations, waste collection at their own facilities, or economic compensation for reverse logistics and storage costs.

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