Ecotic and ACS Recycling organize a webinar on WEEE management in installation companies

The webinar addressed the importance of proper waste management and the comprehensive solutions offered by the Ecoinstallers program.

Last May 4th,



ACS Recycling

a company specialized in the management and treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), organized a webinar on the proper management of air conditioning and refrigeration waste in installation companies. The meeting was attended by Anna Sillero, waste management technician of Ecotic, a waste management company.
and Víctor González, Commercial and Marketing Director of
ACS Recycling
as speakers.

During the webinar, the importance of the correct management of waste at the end of the useful life cycle of appliances for the protection of the environment and the recovery of the materials they contain was addressed, a key element in the development of a circular economy model that is more efficient in the use of available resources.
After the characterization of the current situation of air conditioner recycling, the contents of the webinar were articulated around various aspects of waste management. One of them was the extensive applicable regulations that establish the obligations of installers, covering developments such as Royal Decree 110/2015 on WEEE, Royal Decree 115/2017 on fluorinated gases, Royal Decree 553/2020 on waste shipments within the State, or the recently approved Law 7/2022 on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy.
Aspects such as information requirements and the structure of the documentation associated with waste management were also addressed, as well as the operations necessary to ensure good professional practices in the de-installation of equipment and the subsequent recycling of its waste.
The last block focused on the integrated solutions for waste management offered by the program


program, an initiative promoted by
to facilitate this management to installers and distributors of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment.
The program
program includes, among other things, free advice on recycling responsibilities, free collection of waste at the installation companies’ own facilities, and financial compensation for the costs of reverse logistics and waste storage.
Access the webinar