New financial compensation for installers for 2022

We updated the financial compensation for 2022 that we will pay to installers for the delivery of complete air conditioning equipment.

At ECOTIC we have updated the financial compensation in force for fiscal year 2022, which we will pay to installers of air conditioners linked to the Foundation’s Collective System of Extended Producer Responsibility (SCRAP), for the delivery of complete air conditioners (indoor and outdoor unit) of domestic origin.

The equipment may be delivered by pick-up at the installer’s site, or by the installer’s own means at the Cargo Storage Centers or treatment plants indicated by

The compensation will end on December 31, 2022, future financial contributions will be communicated by
will be expressly communicated by ECOTIC.

The deadline for invoicing the agreed amounts, or future agreed compensation, will be six months after the expired calendar year. After this time no new invoices will be accepted.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that installers are considered for all purposes as producers of hazardous waste, as established by Law 7/2022 on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy, and that they are subject to the requirements established in Royal Decree 553/2020 on the transfer of waste within the State.

The current regulations establish two obligations in this regard for all waste producing centers or facilities:

  • Registration as a waste producer: The company must be registered in the Waste Production and Management Register (RPGR) at the national level, which is based on the information registered in each Autonomous Community, and which affects both activities that generate hazardous waste and those that produce more than 1,000 tons/year of non-hazardous waste.
  • Environmental Identification Number (NIMA): It is essential for the management of information between transfer operators, managers and administrations, and in the event that a company has more than one center, each one will have to obtain its own NIMA, since this code is unequivocally associated with the origin/center.

For more information, you can contact us by phone at 900 103 281 or by email at
